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Stop stressing about every carb that goes into your mouth, and start learning how to lower blood sugar and deliver a healthy baby.

Lower your blood sugar with Gestational Diabetes

I started my career in 2013 as a Registered Dietitian and have been working with pregnant mamas ever since. My passion for nutrition education and my deep love of advocating for women’s rights led me to start my own business in 2019 where I could provide the type of support I know Gestational Diabetic moms deserve.

I'm a Registered Dietitian on a mission to help pregnant mamas with Gestational Diabetes

ABOUT leslee flannery


"It was the most empowering feeling to be able to manage the GD through diet so well and not feel like I was depriving myself at the same time. 

My fastings were always within range but became drastically lower once working with Leslee. My A1C also came down during the process as well.

​​The largest win was of course maintaining my numbers throughout the entire diagnosis and not needing to be on insulin. But the awareness and positivity Leslee has brought to gestational diabetes is a beautiful thing. So often, GD is looked at as an unhealthy mom, or they must be eating too many sweets, when in reality it has nothing to do with that. Working with someone like Leslee who is so positive and reassuring during an already emotional time is honestly half the battle. You just need someone to tell you that you’re doing a good job and that it’s all going to be okay. My husband and I have said over and over how doing this program was one of the best decisions we have made. We both learned so much in general about carbs and how to pair foods that we plan to still use moving forward to ensure we are living healthy lives for our baby. "

What clients are saying



“After I got diagnosed, I encountered a lot of different and contradictory advice. I felt completely overwhelmed and highly stressed, especially since the well-being of my baby was at stake. After joining the program, I felt like I finally had concrete answers and I was able to make decisions about what to eat without being afraid I was hurting my baby with every carb that went into my mouth. Leslee's advice and encouragement were invaluable in building my confidence.

After implementing what I learned in the program (and switching to Contour), I didn't have one high number!

In addition to not spiking and having more confidence, I could tell my body felt much better with the GDM diet (and the exercise and water that goes with it). Everyone said that the third trimester and especially the last month was when your body feels the worst, but I felt better in the weeks leading up to the birth than I did in the second trimester before I adjusted my diet and lifestyle! In fact, there were times that I barely felt pregnant at all. Learning how to have a balanced diet and pair foods is a very helpful skill that I will be able to keep in mind in the future, especially when my baby starts eating solids.”

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This FREE guide will give you my top five tips to lower fasting blood sugar with Gestational Diabetes (GDM).

free guide

5 Tips to Lower Fasting Blood Sugar

the Gram

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