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I’m a Registered Dietitian specializing in helping women with Gestational Diabetes lower their blood sugar and deliver a healthy baby.

Hi there, I'm Leslee Flannery


I quickly realized that there was a gap in nutrition education for expecting moms. 

When I started my career as a Registered Dietitian in 2013, I began working with pregnant women through a local WIC agency. 

Whenever a new mom came into the clinic, and I asked her what she knew about nutrition and pregnancy, 9 times out of 10, she would say, “My OBGYN told me to take a prenatal vitamin.”

Cue heartbreak.

I was simultaneously glad that she came to the clinic so I could provide her with proper education while also feeling angry that she wasn’t given more information from her physician.

Then in 2019, I started working at my dream job in a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor’s office. I again realized that the healthcare system was not fully supporting pregnant women, but the stakes were even higher this time! 

I only had about an hour to go over ALL the information an expecting mom would need to know for the rest of her pregnancy. 

This included how to use a meter, blood sugar goals, tracking what she was eating, when to eat, and challenges she may face, such as a low blood sugar reading and the hormone surge between weeks 32 and 36. It was A LOT of information, and I knew these moms needed more ongoing support.

These situations, my passion for nutrition education, and my deep love of advocating for women’s rights led me to start my own business where I could provide the type of support I know Gestational Diabetic moms deserve.

I currently run a successful Gestational Diabetes nutrition coaching program, The Better Blood Sugar Method, that has helped over 300 (and counting) women deliver healthy babies!

I live in Dayton, Ohio, with my husband and two spunky boys, Quinn and Connor.


university of Dayton

Wright State University

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

academy of nutrition and dietetics

Registered Dietitian

Beach vacations

Can't live without

I've never had a cavity or broken bone

fun fact

Working out

fav activity

Having game night with my family

happiest when

Pizza with tacos as a close 2nd

fav food

90's hip hop music

my love language is

Get to Know Me

Click below to learn more about coaching and courses and lower your blood sugar with Gestational Diabetes

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